
Spacial Blueprint

Spacial Blueprint. This piece was made up of regular foam board, superglue, black/white spray paint, and a small square mirror.  Artist Statement. I knew I wanted a person's eye to see this and have to take a double look. At first glance, it looks to be a hollowed out symmetrical piece, but if you look closely, it is actually a small illusion, something I felt growing up. When on the wall, it looks like it goes deeper than it down due to the mirror, while also being able to see yourself in the reflection. I would like to expand on this piece and make it much bigger and more interactive.

Fluxux Box

Fluxus Box. This piece was constructed up plywood, nails, black paint, clear plexiglass, a street sign, and misc. objects inside. Those include a burnt skateboard wheel wrapped in torn money, a dog in a bowl, a heart made of medical tape and a broken liquor bottle painted gold.  Artist Statement. One of my favorite movies of all time is Lords of Dogtown. It's about how skateboarding started with a group of teens in a town called Dogtown in California. To represent this the best way I could, I decided to make the box a skateboard kicker, one that is actually skate-able. The clear plexiglass was to just show to viewer what's inside, without being able to touch it, a feeling that boys felt throughout the movie, almost being able to reach the goals. I knew right away the movie I wanted to do and I feel like I have made a good representation of what I was attempting to achieve. 


Balsa Wood Sculptures. The 3 materials that were used were generic plywood, wood glue, and horse hay.  This piece represents are small part of my childhood that stuck with me forever. My father and I once a month would order a bunch of hay and lay in down our entire driveway. I'd have fond memories of rolling down it when we were done because it was possible. So here, the wood represents the act rolling, while the glue represents the bond my dad and I had, and they hay is actually the same hay we would have used.   .                                                 3 pieces of research:  Joan Lurie: Martin Azua:   Jeremy Gilbert:  https://foundati...

Balsa Wood Sculpture

Balsa Wood Sculptures. Both sculptures are constructed of balsa wood, metal needles, black/white ink, and masking tape in some form or another. 

Soap Carvings

Soap Carvings. These were made out of un-scented soap using a plastic baby bear as reference, ( the bear has been lost in process sadly). I also used a couple metal screws to pin the ears onto the head. 

Masking Tape Shoes

Masking Tape Shoes. Made entirely out of masking tape, using vans skate shoes and my own shoe as reference.  They are 12 inches long and between 3 - 5 in. wide. 
"The body is the primary mode of receiving scale" "Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience" "The place fo origin must remain un-available in order for desire to be generated" "To have a souvenir of the exotic, is to possess both a specimen and a trophy "The souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, and the three dimensional into the miniature that which can be enveloped by the body"